The next millenium cryptocurrency

Confidential transactions.

Evilbit is the next millenium cryptocurrency.


Fund port today

Fundport allows you to teleport funds using quantum comnputers, simulate data teleportation today.

CryptoNote Protocol

Anonimity per excellence


Code security along commitment is ensured.

Fast transactions

66 seconds block time.

Data teleportation

Simulate data teleportation today, will allow humandkind to transfer crypto funds offline.

Portfolio Crypto

The next millenium cryptocurrency

We are bringing fundport to evilbit but not only.

Confidential transactions

Your funds are private.

Right to hold funds in secrecy.

Protected Assets

Algorithm funded by coinbase

gHash algorithm

Good industry practices

Evilbit supports evil freedom.


66 seconds Fast transactions
P2P Does not rely on central authorities
Real developers Commitment is ensured

Get started in just a minute

Evilbit is safe and secure to use

Create a wallet

Find a trustable exchange

Start buying and selling

evilbit 2023

The next millenium cryptocurrency

Confidential transactions.

Evilbit is the next millenium cryptocurrency.


Fund port today

Fundport allows you to teleport funds using quantum comnputers, simulate data teleportation today.

CryptoNote Protocol

Anonimity per excellence


Code security along commitment is ensured.

Fast transactions

66 seconds block time.

Data teleportation

Simulate data teleportation today, will allow humandkind to transfer crypto funds offline.

Portfolio Crypto

The next millenium cryptocurrency

We are bringing fundport to evilbit but not only.

Confidential transactions

Your funds are private.

Right to hold funds in secrecy.

Protected Assets

Algorithm funded by coinbase

gHash algorithm

Good industry practices

Evilbit supports evil freedom.


66 seconds Fast transactions
P2P Does not rely on central authorities
Real developers Commitment is ensured

Get started in just a minute

Evilbit is safe and secure to use

Create a wallet

Find a trustable exchange

Start buying and selling

evilbit 2023